Browse course

Tutorial 4. Boolean algebra

Exercise sheet

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For this exercise, use a propositional language with the following variables:

  • $MARS$, which stands for “Mars is red”,
  • $VENUS$, which stands for “Venus is green”,
  • $PLUTO$, which stands for “Pluto is black”.

Take a model where:

  • $\nu(MARS)=1$,
  • $\nu(VENUS)=1$,
  • $\nu(PLUTO)=0$.

Show the recursive calculation in this model for the truth-value of each formula below.

  1. $\nu(\neg PLUTO)=$ ?
  2. $\nu(MARS\land VENUS)=$ ?
  3. $\nu(PLUTO\lor\neg MARS)=$ ?
  4. $\nu(MARS\land\neg PLUTO)=$ ?
  5. $\nu(\neg(VENUS\land\neg\neg (PLUTO\lor MARS)))=$ ?

  \item  $\nu(\neg PLUTO)=$ 
  \item  $\nu(MARS\land VENUS)=$ 
  \item  $\nu(PLUTO\lor\neg MARS)=$ 
  \item  $\nu(MARS\land\neg PLUTO)=$ 
  \item  $\nu(\neg(VENUS\land\neg\neg (PLUTO\lor MARS)))=$ 

  1. Answer:
  • $\nu(\neg PLUTO)$
  • $=-\nu(PLUTO)$
  • $=-0$
  • $=1$
  1. Answer:
  • $\nu(MARS\land VENUS)$
  • $=\nu(MARS)\times\nu(VENUS)$
  • $=1\times 1$
  • $=1$
  1. Answer:
  • $\nu(PLUTO\lor\neg MARS)$
  • $=\nu(PLUTO)+\nu(\neg MARS)$
  • $=\nu(PLUTO)+(-\nu(MARS))$
  • $=0+(-1)$
  • $=0+0$
  • $=0$
  1. Answer:
  • $\nu(MARS\land\neg PLUTO)$
  • $=\nu(MARS)\times\nu(\neg PLUTO)$
  • $=\nu(MARS)\times(-\nu(PLUTO))$
  • $=1\times(-0)$
  • $=1\times 1$
  • $=1$
  1. Answer:
  • $\nu(\neg(VENUS\land\neg\neg (PLUTO\lor MARS)))$
  • $=-\nu(VENUS\land\neg\neg (PLUTO\lor MARS))$
  • $=-(\nu(VENUS)\times\nu(\neg\neg (PLUTO\lor MARS)))$
  • $=-(\nu(VENUS)\times –\nu(PLUTO\lor MARS))$
  • $=-(\nu(VENUS)\times–(\nu(PLUTO)+\nu(MARS)))$
  • $=-(1\times–(0+1))$
  • $=-(1\times–1)$
  • $=-(1\times-0)$
  • $=-(1\times 1)$
  • $=- 1$
  • $= 0$
Boolean laws  

Use the Boolean laws in section 4.6 to explain why these equations are correct.


$x\times (x+y) = x+(x\times y)$


$y\times z = y\times (z\times y)$


$(x + (y\times z))+x=(x+y)\times(x+z)$

% For reference: the laws

\begin{tabular}{ c c }
  Conjunction laws          &                                          \\[2ex]
  Idempotence of $\times$   & $x\times x=x$                            \\
  Commutativity of $\times$ & $x\times y=y\times x$                    \\
  Associativity of $\times$ & $x\times(y\times z)=(x\times y)\times z$ \\
  Identity for $\times$     & $x\times 1=x$                            \\
  Annihilation for $\times$ & $x\times 0=0$                            \\[2ex]
  Disjunction laws          &                                          \\[2ex]
  Idempotence of $+$        & $x+x=x$                                  \\
  Commutativity of $+$      & $x+y=y+x$                                \\
  Associativity of $+$      & $x+(y+z)=(x+y)+z$                        \\
  Identity for $+$          & $x+0=x$                                  \\
  Annihilation for $+$      & $x+ 1=1$                                 \\[2ex]
  Interaction laws          &                                          \\[2ex]
  Distributivity $\times$/$+$ & $x\times(y+z)=(x\times y)+(x\times z)$ \\
  Distributivity $+$/$\times$ & $x+(y\times z)=(x+y)\times(x+ z)$      \\
  Absorption 1                & $x+(x\times y)=x$                      \\
  Absorption 2                & $x\times(x+ y)=x$                      \\[2ex]
  Negation laws               &                                        \\[2ex]
  Complementation 1           & $x\times -x=0$                         \\
  Complementation 2           & $x+ -x=1$                              \\
  Involution                  & $\-\-x=x$                              \\
  De Morgan 1                 & $-(x+y)=-x\times -y$                   \\
  De Morgan 2                 & $-(x\times y)=-x+-y$                   \\

% An item for each identity

  \item  $x\times (x+y) =  x+(x\times y)$
  \item  $y\times z = y\times (z\times y)$
  \item  $(x+(y\times z))+x = (x+y)\times(x+z)$



  1. $x\times (x+y) ,=, x \qquad$ [absorption]
  2. $x ,=, x + (x\times y)\qquad$ [absorption]
  3. $x\times (x+y) ,=, x\times (x+y) \qquad$ [1,2]


  1. $y ,=, y\times y \qquad$ [idempotence]
  2. $y\times z ,=, (y\times y)\times z \qquad$ [1]
  3. $(y\times y)\times z ,=, y\times(y\times z) \qquad$ [associativity]
  4. $y\times z ,=, z\times y \qquad$ [commutativity]
  5. $y\times(y\times z),=, y\times(z\times y) \qquad$ [4]
  6. $y\times z ,=, y\times (z\times y) \qquad$ [2,3,5]


  1. $(x + (y\times z)) + x ,=, x+(x + (y\times z)) \qquad$ [commutativity]
  2. $x+(x + (y\times z)) ,=, (x+x) + (y\times z) \qquad$ [associativity]
  3. $x+x ,=, x \qquad$ [idempotence]
  4. $(x+x) + (y\times z) ,=, x+(y\times z) \qquad$ [3]
  5. $x+(y\times z) ,=, (x+y)\times(x+z) \qquad$ [idempotence]
  6. $(x + (y\times z)) + x ,=, (x+y)\times(x+z) \qquad$ [1,2,4,5]

a) Use the definition of a Boolean model to show that $[A\lor A]=[A]$ for any formula $A$.

b) Use the previous fact to explain why $A\lor A\vDash A$ and $A\vDash A\lor A$

  \item Use the definition of a Boolean model to show that $[A\lor A]=[A]$ for any formula $A$. 
  \item Use the previous fact to explain why $A\lor A\vDash A$ and $A\vDash A\lor A$



The set of models $[A\lor A]={ \nu : \nu(A\lor A)=1}$. Since $\nu(A\lor A)=\nu(A)+\nu(A)$ we know by idempotence that we always have the equivlance $\nu(A\lor A)=\nu(A)$. This shows that $[A\lor A]=[A]$.


It follows from above that $[A\lor A]\subseteq[A]$ which is the definition of $A\lor A\vDash A$. It also follows that $[A]\subseteq[A\lor A]$ which is the definition of $A\vDash A\lor A$.


This one went up late, but if you have the time, it’s a good exercise

Logic gates are a different way of thinking about Boolean truth-function. Familiarize yourself with what they are and


Write the following Boolean truth-functions using the logic gates for $NOT,AND,OR$

  • $(x+y)\times -(x\times y)$

  • $-(x+y)$

  • $-((x\times y)+z)$


It’s a mathematical fact that all logic gates can be implemented using $NOR$ gates. Find the $NOR$-only gates for the functions above.