Tutorial 8. FOL
Exercise sheet
Only 3. and 6. are homework
Suppose we’re dealing with a FOL language with:
- constants $a,b$
- a unary predicate $P$
- a binary predicate $R$
Consider the model given by the following diagram:

To be clear:
- the objects may be called $o_1,o_2,o_3$ (from left to right)
- the denotations $a^\mathcal{M}, b^\mathcal{M}$ are given by the subscripts
- the interpretation of $P^\mathcal{M}$ is given by the red square
- the interpretation of $R^\mathcal{M}$ is given by the arrows (an arrow from one node to another means that the first node stands in the relation to the other in the model).
Determine the truth-value of the following formulas in the model:
- $P(a)\land P(b)$
- $\forall x P(x)$
- $\exists x P(x)\land \exists x\neg P(x)$
- $\forall x\exists yR(x,y)$
- $\forall x\forall y((P(x)\land R(x,y))\to P(y))$
- $\forall x\exists y(R(y,x)\land P(y))$
Don’t just give the truth-value but provide a justification with reference to the recursive clauses. Ideally but not necessarily, this would be a calculation.
1. $a^M\in P^M$ so $\nu(P(a))=1$ and $b^M\in P^M$ so $\nu(P(b))=1$. Then for the full formula we have $\nu(P(a)\land P(b))=\nu(P(a))\times\nu(P(b))=1\times 1=1$
2. On any assignment $\alpha$ we have $\nu_\alpha(P(\mathbf{o_3}))=0$. Then for the full formula we have $\nu_\alpha(\forall xP(x))=\Pi_{\mathbf{o}\in D}(P(\mathbf{o}))=0$
3. On any assignment $\alpha$ we have $\nu_\alpha(P(\mathbf{o_1}))=1$ and so for the quantified formula $\nu_\alpha(\exists xP(x))=\Sigma_{\mathbf{o}\in D}(P(\mathbf{o}))=1$. Similarly we have $\nu_\alpha(\neg P(\mathbf{o_3}))=-\nu_\alpha(P(\mathbf{o_3}))=-0=1$ and so for the quantified formula $\nu_\alpha(\exists x\neg P(x))=\Sigma_{\mathbf{o}\in D}(\neg P(\mathbf{o}))=1$. Then for the full formula we have $\nu_\alpha(\exists xP(x)\land \exists x\neg P(x)=1)$
4. $\forall x\exists yR(x,y)$
The formula is true.
Here’s the calculation:
We know:
$$\nu(\forall x\exists yR(x,y))= \nu(\exists yR(\mathbf{o_1},y)) \times \nu(\exists yR(\mathbf{o_2},y)) \times \nu(\exists yR(\mathbf{o_3},y))$$
For each $i=1,2,3$, we have: $\nu(\exists yR(\mathbf{o_i},y))= \nu(R(\mathbf{o_i},{o_1})) +\nu(R(\mathbf{o_i},{o_2})) +\nu(R(\mathbf{o_i},{o_3}))$
And for each $i$, one of the summands here is true: for $i=1$, we have $\nu(R(\mathbf{o_1},\mathbf{o_2})=1$, for $i=2$, we have $\nu(R(\mathbf{o_2},\mathbf{o_3})=1$, and for $i=3$, we have $\nu(R(\mathbf{o_3},\mathbf{o_3})=1$. Hence: $\nu(\exists yR(\mathbf{o_i},y))= \nu(R(\mathbf{o_i},{o_1})) +\nu(R(\mathbf{o_i},{o_2})) +\nu(R(\mathbf{o_i},{o_3}))=1$.
And so the big product is $1$, too.
5. $\forall x\forall y((P(x)\land R(x,y))\to P(y))$
The formula is false: $\mathbf{o_2}$ and $\mathbf{o_3}$ provide the counterexample:
$$\nu(P(\mathbf{o_2}))=1$$ $$\nu(R(\mathbf{o_2},\mathbf{o_3}))=1$$ $$\nu(\mathsf{P}(\mathbf{o_3}))=0$$
Hence $$\nu(P(\mathbf{o_2})\land R(\mathbf{o_2},\mathbf{o_3})\to P(\mathbf{o_3}))=0$$
This makes any $\prod$-product involving this value $0$ as well.
6. We will observe a fact about the left object $\mathbf{o_1}$. On any assignment, if we choose any object $\mathbf{o}$ at all, we have $\nu_\alpha(R(\mathbf{o},\mathbf{o_1})=0$ and so $\nu_\alpha(R(\mathbf{o},\mathbf{o_1}\times P(\mathbf{o}))=0$. That means, if we sum over all objects in the $\mathbf{o}$ position we have $\Sigma_{\mathbf{o}\in D}(\nu_\alpha(R(\mathbf{o},\mathbf{o_1}))\times\nu_\alpha(P(\mathbf{o})))=0$. Since this sum comes out false for the particular object $\mathbf{o_1}$, if we then do a product calculation over all objects $\mathbf{o’}$ in that same position we get $\Pi_{\mathbf{o’}\in D}\Sigma_{\mathbf{o}\in D}(\nu_\alpha(R(\mathbf{o},\mathbf{o’}))\times\nu_\alpha(P(\mathbf{o})))=0$. And that is precisely how to calculate the value of our formula $\nu_\alpha(\forall x\exists y(R(y,x)\land P(y)))=0$.
Knowledge engineering
Russel and Norvig (p. 290) define a 7-step process of knowledge engineering in FOL. We’ll only focus on a part of this, viz.:
Deciding on a suitable vocabulary (constants, function symbols, and predicates)
Encoding general knowledge about the domain.
We’ll practice the idea by doing. Remember our setup from Exercise 4 for Chapter 5 (the planning exercise):
Setup: We’ve got a robot that sits in front of two switches, one on the left and one on the right. Each switch controls a lamp, the left switch controls the left lamp and the right switch the right lamp. The switches work as follows:
- If a lamp is on and you operate the switch, the lamp turns off.
- If a lamp is off and you operate the switch, the lamp turns on.
The left lamp is currently on and the right one is off. The robot can operate the switches and has the following goal:
Turn the left lamp off and the right one on.
We think of the situation as made up of discrete time points, $1,2,\dots,n$.
We include the frame conditions to avoid “weird” behavior like lamps switching on/off by themselves:
If a lamp is on at a given time and the corresponding switch is not flipped, the light is still on at the ext time.
If a lamp is off at a given time and the corresponding switch is not flipped, the light is still off at the next time.
Choose an appropriate FOL vocabulary and encode our knowledge about the domain.
BNF: We use ’left’ and ‘right’ as names of the lamps on each side, and use numeric terms as names of infinitely many points in time going forward. This comes with a built-in operation of ‘+1’ to refer to the next moment in time. Notice that predicates are restricted. They can only be combined with a lamp term in the first position and a time term in the second position.
$$ \langle{var}\rangle ::= x \mid y \mid z $$
$$ \langle{const_side}\rangle ::= \mathsf{left} \mid \mathsf{right} $$
$$ \langle{const_time}\rangle ::= n\in\mathbb{N} $$
$$ \langle{term_side}\rangle ::= \langle{var}\rangle \mid \langle{const_side}\rangle $$
$$ \langle{term_time}\rangle ::= \langle{var}\rangle \mid \langle{const_time}\rangle $$
$$ \langle{unop}\rangle ::= \neg $$
$$ \langle{binop}\rangle ::= \land \mid \lor \mid \rightarrow \mid \leftrightarrow $$
$$ \langle{quant}\rangle ::= \forall \mid \exists $$
$$ \langle{pred}\rangle^2 ::= \mathsf{On} \mid \mathsf{Off} \mid \mathsf{Switch} $$
$$ \langle{atom}\rangle ::= \langle{pred}\rangle^2(\langle{term_side}\rangle,\langle{term_time}\rangle) $$
$$ \langle{fml}\rangle ::= \langle{atom}\rangle \mid \langle{unop}\rangle\langle{fml}\rangle \mid (\langle{fml}\rangle\langle{binop}\rangle\langle{fml}\rangle) \mid \langle{quant}\rangle\langle{var}\rangle\langle{fml}\rangle $$
Task: Formalization
- $\mathsf{On}(\mathsf{left},1)$
- $\mathsf{Off}(\mathsf{right},1)$
- $\exists x\mathsf{Off}(\mathsf{left},x)$
- $\exists x\mathsf{On}(\mathsf{right},x)$
- $\forall x\forall y(\mathsf{Off}(x,y)\leftrightarrow\neg\mathsf{On}(x,y))$
- $\forall x\forall y((\mathsf{On}(x,y)\land\mathsf{Switch}(x,y))\to\mathsf{Off}(x,y+1))$
- $\forall x\forall y((\mathsf{Off}(x,y)\land\mathsf{Switch}(x,y))\to\mathsf{On}(x,y+1))$
- $\forall x\forall y((\mathsf{On}(x,y)\land\neg\mathsf{Switch}(x,y))\to\mathsf{On}(x,y+1))$
- $\forall x\forall y((\mathsf{Off}(x,y)\land\neg\mathsf{Switch}(x,y))\to\mathsf{Off}(x,y+1))$
This exercise is about how logical laws follow from Boolean laws. Each of the following two parts contains a Boolean law and a corresponding logical law/valid inference that follows from it. In both cases: first, (i) provide an argument that the Boolean law holds and then, (ii) show that the logical law follows from that.
$$\text{Boolean law}: x+(y_1\times y_2\times \dots)=(x+y_1)\times (x+y_2)\times \dots$$
$$\text{Logical law}: \mathsf{Blue}(a)\lor \forall x \mathsf{Round}(x)\vDash \forall x(\mathsf{Blue}(a) \lor\mathsf{Round}(x))$$
$$\text{Boolean law}: x\times (y_1+ y_2+ \dots)=(x\times y_1)+ (x\times y_2)+ \dots$$
$$\text{Logical law}: \mathsf{Blue}(a)\land \exists x \mathsf{Round}(x)\vDash \exists x(\mathsf{Blue}(a)\land \mathsf{Round}(x)) $$
a) $x+(y_1\times y_2\times\ldots)=(x+ y_1)\times(x+ y_2)\times\ldots$ follows from n-many applications of the Boolean law of absorption
relation to logical law???
b) First of all, this principle follows from repeated applications of the Boolean law of distributivity: $x\times(y_1+ y_2+\ldots)=(x\times y_1)+(x\times y_2)+\ldots$
Now, we can use this to verify the following inference.
$$\mathsf{Blue}(a)\land\exists x\mathsf{Round}(x)\vDash \exists x(\mathsf{Blue}(a)\land \mathsf{Round}(x))$$
Consider any model with assignment $\alpha$ where the premise is true:
$$\nu_\alpha(\mathsf{Blue}(a)\land\exists x\mathsf{Round}(x))=1$$
If we break down this calculation it is equivalent to:
$$\nu_\alpha(\mathsf{Blue}(a))\times\Sigma_{\mathbf{o}\in D} \nu_\alpha(\mathsf{Round}(\mathbf{o}))=1$$
The ‘big’ summation over all objects in the domain is equivalent to a list of individual sums over each object $\mathbf{o_i}$ in the domain:
If we apply the Boolean principle that we started with, we get:
This is equivalent to the following ‘big’ summation over all objects:
$$\Sigma_{\mathbf{o}\in D}(\nu_\alpha(\mathsf{Blue}(a))\times\nu_\alpha(\mathsf{Round}(\mathbf{o}))=1$$
Finally, the calculation above is the truth-value of our conclusion formula:
$$\nu_\alpha(\exists x(\mathsf{Blue}(a)\land\mathsf{Round}(x)))=1$$
We have shown that $[\mathsf{Blue}(a)\land\exists x\mathsf{Round}(x)]\subseteq[\exists x(\mathsf{Blue}(a)\land \mathsf{Round}(x))]$.
The following inferences are _in_valid in FOL. For each, describe a counter-model, where the premises are true but the conclusion is false. You may use a diagram as in Exercise 1 to give your model.
$$\exists x\mathsf{CanSwim}(x)\land \exists y\mathsf{CanFly}(y)\nvDash \exists x(\mathsf{CanSwim}(x)\land\mathsf{CanFly}(x))$$
$$\forall x(\mathsf{CanSwim}(x)\lor \mathsf{CanFly}(x))\nvDash \forall x\mathsf{CanSwim}(x)\lor\forall y\mathsf{CanFly}(y)$$
$$\forall x(\mathsf{Tresspasses}(x)\to \mathsf{IsProsecuted}(x))\nvDash \exists x(\mathsf{Tresspasses}(x)\land \mathsf{IsProsecuted}(x)$$
$$\forall x\exists y\mathsf{BiggerThan}(y,x)\nvDash\exists y\forall x \mathsf{BiggerThan}(y,x)$$
Hint: A model can be infinite, which you indicate with “…” notation.
In each case, justify your answer, by explaining why the premises are true in the model and the conclusion is false.
a) We need a set of swimmers $\mathsf{CanSwim}^M$ and a set of flyers $\mathsf{CanFly}^M$. We need one person/object that only belongs to the first set $a^M\in \mathsf{CanSwim}^M$ and $a^M\notin \mathsf{CanFly}^M$. Then we need another person/object that only belongs to the second set $b^M\notin \mathsf{CanSwim}^M$ and $b^M\in \mathsf{CanFly}^M$.
b) We construct a model with a domain with just two animals in it $D={ \mathbf{a_1,a_2} }$. One animal swims $\mathbf{a_1}\in \mathsf{CanSwim}^M$ but can’t fly $\mathbf{a_1}\notin \mathsf{CanFly}^M$. The other animal can’t swim $\mathbf{a_2}\notin \mathsf{CanSwim}^M$ but does fly $\mathbf{a_2}\in \mathsf{CanFly}^M$. Let $\alpha$ be any assignment in this model.
This universal formula is false in this model $\nu_\alpha(\forall x(\mathsf{CanSwim}(x))=\Pi_{\mathbf{o}\in D}\nu_\alpha(\mathsf{CanSwim}(\mathbf{o}))=0$ because of the properties of the second animal $\mathbf{a_2}\notin \mathsf{CanSwim}^M$. This universal formula is false in this model $\nu_\alpha(\forall x(\mathsf{CanFly}(x))=\Pi_{\mathbf{o}\in D}\nu_\alpha(\mathsf{CanSwim}(\mathbf{o}))=0$ because of the properties of the first animal $\mathbf{a_1}\notin \mathsf{CanFly}^M$. That means that $\nu_\alpha(\forall x(\mathsf{CanSwim}(x)\lor\forall x(\mathsf{CanFly}(x))=0$.
However, we always get $\nu_\alpha(\mathsf{CanSwim}(\mathbf{o})\lor\mathsf{CanFly}(\mathbf{o}))=1$ no matter which object we test it on, so we have $\nu_\alpha(\forall x(\mathsf{CanSwim}(x)\lor\mathsf{CanFly}(x))=\Pi_{\mathbf{o}\in D}\nu_\alpha(\mathsf{CanSwim}(\mathbf{o})\lor\mathsf{CanSwim}(\mathbf{o}))=1$. This makes it a counter-model to the intended inference.
In class, we said that FOL is very expressive. But there are several limitations of FOL, which are things that you can’t formalize in FOL. Research at least two kinds of claims that FOL can’t formalize and explain why.
Here are two phenomena that FOL can’t handle well:
- Higher-order quantification: Statements like “Ada has all the properties of a good student”, which should be something like $$\forall F(\forall x(\mathsf{GoodStudent}(x)\to F(x))\to F(Ada)))$$
But this formula is not proper FOL syntax. A system that can handle this is second-order logic .
- FOL lacks devices to handle many natural language phenomena, such as adverbial constructions: John failed badly.
We might be tempted to formalize this as $\mathsf{FailedBadly}(John)$, but then it doesn’t follow that John failed since $\mathsf{FailedBadly}(John)\nvDash\mathsf{Failed}(John).$
This paper develops an extension of FOL that can deal with adverbs.
When we use modern subsymbolic AIs, such as LLMs, for reasoning , these AIs turn out to be inconsistent: they sometimes say one thing and sometimes the opposite. Does this mean that the problem posed by Gödel’s theorem for mathematical AIs doesn’t affect subsymbolic AIs?