Lecture 8. FOL
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Logical methods for AI
Lecture 8
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First Order Logic
- Logical system for valid inference with quantifiers:
- "For all"
- "There is"
- Benchmark system: strong!
- Theoretical limitations
FOL syntax
- Non-logical symbols:
- Individual constants: $a,b,c,\dots,$ also $Alan$ or $Ada$.
- Function symbols: $f,g,h,\dots,$ also $MotherOf$ or $BirthplaceOf$.
- Predicates: $P,Q,R,\dots,$ also $Blue$ or $BiggerThan$.
- Logical symbols:
- Connectives: $\neg,\land,\lor,\to,\leftrightarrow$
- Variables: $x,y,z,\dots$
- Quantifiers: $\forall,\exists$
- Auxilliaries: $(,),\ ","$
$$\langle const\rangle ::= a \mid b\mid \dots $$ $$\langle var\rangle ::= x \mid y\mid \dots $$ $$\langle fun^n\rangle ::= f^n\mid g^n\mid \dots $$ $$\langle term\rangle::= \langle const\rangle\mid\langle variable\rangle\mid \langle fun^n\rangle(\underbrace{\langle term\rangle,\dots,\langle term\rangle}_{n\text{ times}})$$Terms
Denote individuals:
- Constants: Proper names, like "Utrecht", "Johannes", ...
- Variables: Pronouns: "he", "she", "it", ...
- Functions: Expressions like "the father of", "the birthplace of"
Atomic formulas
$$\langle pred^n\rangle ::= P^n\mid Q^n\mid \dots $$ $$\langle atom\rangle::= \langle pred^n\rangle(\underbrace{\langle term\rangle,\dots\langle term\rangle}_{n\text{ times}})$$Atomic formulas
- Simple, term-predicate sentences: the robot is smart
- Predicate: "... is smart", "... is bigger than ..."
- Examples:
- $\mathbf{Smart}(Robot)$
- $\mathbf{LLM}(x)$
- $\mathbf{BiggerThan}(Robot,Johannes)$
- $\mathsf{Lord}(\mathsf{FatherOf}(Ada))$
$$\langle var\rangle ::= x \mid y\mid \dots $$ $$\langle quant\rangle ::= \forall\mid\exists$$ $$\langle fml\rangle::=\langle atom\rangle\mid\langle unop\rangle\langle fml\rangle\mid$$ $$(\langle fml\rangle\langle binop\rangle \langle fml\rangle)\mid \langle quant\rangle \langle var\rangle\langle fml\rangle$$Quantifiers
- General claims: $$\forall x\exists y\mathsf{BiggerThan}(x,y)$$
- For everything there is something, such that it is bigger than it.
$$t_1=t_2 \qquad \qquad t_1\neq t_2$$ $$\mathsf{FatherOf}(Ada)=Byron$$ $$\exists x\exists y(\mathsf{LLM}(x)\land\mathsf{LLM}(y)\land x\neq y)$$ $$\forall x\forall y((\mathsf{GOAT}(x)\land\mathsf{GOAT}(y))\to x=y)$$
FOL syntax
- Objects we're talking about.
- $\mathcal{D}=\Set{o_1,o_2,\dots}$
- In KR: representations of the world.
- Often graphs.
- Constants: $c^\mathcal{M}\in\mathcal{D}$
- Assignments: $\alpha:\Set{x,y,z,\dots}\to\mathcal{D}$
- Variables: $\alpha(x)\in\mathcal{D}$
- Functions: $f^\mathcal{M}:\mathcal{D}^n\to \mathcal{D}$
- Recursion: $$t^\mathcal{M}_\alpha::= c^\mathcal{M}\mid \alpha(x) \mid f^\mathcal{M}((t_1)^\mathcal{M}_\alpha, \dots (t_n)^\mathcal{M}_\alpha) $$
- Set of things having a property/standing in a relation: $$P^\mathcal{M}\subseteq \mathcal{D}^n$$
- $\mathcal{D}^n=\Set{\langle o_1,\dots,o_n\rangle:o_i\in\mathcal{D}}$
- $\mathsf{Sister}^\mathcal{M}=\Set{\langle o_1,o_2\rangle:o_1\text{ is sister of }o_2\text{ in }\mathcal{M}}$
Atomic truth
$$\nu_\alpha(\mathsf{Parent}(\mathsf{FatherOf}(Ada),Clara))=1$$ $$\Leftrightarrow$$ $$\langle\mathsf{FatherOf}^\mathcal{M}(Ada^\mathcal{M}),Clara^\mathcal{M}\rangle\in \mathsf{Parent}^\mathcal{M}$$ $$=\Set{\langle o_1,o_2\rangle:o_1\text{ is parent of }o_2\text{ in }\mathcal{M}}$$Atomic truth
$$\nu_\alpha(\mathsf{Blue}(x))=1\Leftrightarrow \alpha(x)\in\mathsf{Blue}^\mathcal{M}$$Atomic truth
$$\nu_\alpha(P(t_1,\dots,t_n))=1\Leftrightarrow \langle (t_1)^\mathcal{M}_\alpha, \dots, (t_n)^\mathcal{M}_\alpha\rangle\in P^\mathcal{M}$$Identity truth
$$\nu_\alpha(\mathsf{FatherOf}(Ada)=x)=1$$ $$\Leftrightarrow$$ $$\mathsf{FatherOf}^\mathcal{M}(Ada^\mathcal{M})=\alpha(x)$$Identity truth
$$\nu_\alpha(t_1=t_2)=1\Leftrightarrow t_1^\mathcal{M}=t_2^\mathcal{M}$$Universal truth
$$\nu\_\alpha(\forall x\mathsf{Blue}(x))$$ $$=_{\mathbf{o}^\mathcal{M}=o}$$ $$\nu_\alpha(\mathsf{Blue}(\mathbf{o}_1))\times\nu\_\alpha(\mathsf{Blue}(\mathbf{o}_2)\times\dots$$ $$=$$ $$\prod_{o\in\mathcal{D}}\nu_\alpha(\mathsf{Blue}(\mathbf{o}))$$Existential truth
$$\nu\_\alpha(\exists x\mathsf{Blue}(x))$$ $$=_{\mathbf{o}^\mathcal{M}=o}$$ $$\nu_\alpha(\mathsf{Blue}(\mathbf{o}_1))+\nu\_\alpha(\mathsf{Blue}(\mathbf{o}_2)+\dots$$ $$=$$ $$\sum_{o\in\mathcal{D}}\nu_\alpha(\mathsf{Blue}(\mathbf{o}))$$FOL consequence
$$P_1,P_2,\dots \vDash C$$ $$\Leftrightarrow$$ $$\text{ for all }\mathcal{M},\nu,\alpha,$$ $$\text{ if }\nu_\alpha(P_1)=1,\nu_\alpha(P_2)=1,\dots\text{, then }$$ $$\nu_\alpha(C)=1.$$Quantifier laws
Duality $\exists/\forall$ | $\exists xA\vDash \neg\forall x\neg A\qquad \neg\forall x\neg A\vDash \exists xA$ | |
Duality $\forall/\exists$ | $\forall xA\vDash \neg\exists x\neg A\qquad \neg\exists x\neg A\vDash \forall xA$ |
Quantifier laws
Distr. $\forall/\land$ | $\forall x(A\land B)\vDash \forall xA\land \forall xB\quad \forall x A\land \forall x B\vDash \forall x(A\land B)$ | |
Distr. $\exists/\lor$ | $\exists x(A\lor B)\vDash \exists xA\lor \exists xB\quad \exists x A\lor \exists x B\vDash \exists x(A\lor B)$ |
Quantifier laws
Commutativity $\exists$ | $\exists x\exists yA\vDash \exists y\exists xA$ | |
Commutativity $\forall$ | $\forall x\forall yA\vDash \forall y\forall xA$ |
Quantifier laws
$\forall/\exists$ | $\exists x\forall y A(x,y)\vDash \forall y\exists x A(x,y)$ |
FOL's limitations
- Gödel's original completeness theorem:
- Every consistent logical system which models mathematical inference has an undecidable truth.
- No mathematically omniscient KB 😦
- Turing's undecidability theorem:
- There's no algorithm for determining whether any given FOL inference is valid.
- No fully automated perfect reasoner 😢