Lecture 9. FOL inference
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Logical methods for AI
Lecture 9
FOL inference
This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0

First Order Inference
- Aim: Extend inference methods to FOL
- Problem: Undecidability
First Order Natural Deduction
- Two rules per quantifier: $\forall, \exists$
Universal instantiation

Universal instantiation

Universal instantiation
- Substitution: $A(x)\leadsto A(t)$
- If $\forall xA(x)$ is $\forall x\exists y\mathsf{Parent}(x,y)$
- ... $A(x)$ is $\exists y\mathsf{Parent}(x,y)$
- ... $A(Ada)$ is $\exists y\mathsf{Parent}(Ada,y)$
Universal instantiation
- Only "free":
- If $A(x)$ is $\exists y\mathsf{Parent}(x,y)\land \forall x\mathsf{Human}(x)$
- ... $A(Ada)$ is $\exists y\mathsf{Parent}(Ada,y)\land \forall x\mathsf{Human}(x)$
- ... not $\exists y\mathsf{Parent}(Ada,y)\land \forall x\mathsf{Human}(Ada)$
- No "recapture"
- If $A(x)$ is $\exists y \mathsf{Parent}(x,y)$
- ... we may not infer $\exists y \mathsf{Parent}(y,y)$
- ... from $\forall x\exists y \mathsf{Parent}(x,y)$
Universal introduction

Universal introduction

- $\dagger$: $\alpha$ arbitrary
- $\alpha$ may not occur in any open assumption for $A(\alpha)$ $$\exists y\mathsf{Friend}(x,y)\nvDash \forall x\exists y\mathsf{Friend}(x,y)$$

Existential introduction

Existential introduction

Existential elimination

Existential elimination

- $\ddagger$: $c$ new
- May not occur anywhere in the derivation or KB.
- "No assumptions about $c$":

- Sound and complete for FOL: $$P_1,P_2,\dots\vdash C\Leftrightarrow P_1,P_2,\dots\vDash C$$
- Problem: undecidability
- There's no algorithm for checking $\vDash$!
Generalized MP and Unification
Rules in KBs
$$\forall x\forall n((On(x, n) \land Switch(x, n)) \to Off(x, n + 1))$$ $$\forall x\forall n((Off(x, n) \land Switch(x, n)) \to On(x, n + 1))$$Inferences
- Facts:
- $On(L,1)$
- $Switch(L,1)$

Generalized MP

- Input: two formulas
- Output: substitution that identifies the two. $$On(L,1)\land Switch(L,1)\text{ and }On(x,y)\land Switch(x,y)$$ $$x\mapsto L, y\mapsto 1$$
$$\mathsf{YoungerThan}(x,Ada)\qquad \text{ and }\qquad\mathsf{YoungerThan}(Alan,y)$$ $$x\mapsto Alan, y\mapsto Ada$$ $$\leadsto$$ $$\mathsf{YoungerThan}(Alan,Ada)$$Unification
$$\mathsf{OlderThan}(x,Alan)\qquad\mathsf{OlderThan}(Ada,x)$$ $$x\mapsto Ada, x\mapsto Aland$$ $$\leadsto$$ $$\bot$$Unification and Generalized MP

First Order Resolution
Resolution rule
$l_{i},k_{j}$ literals:
$$\begin{array}{ccc} l_1\lor l_2\lor \dots\lor p & & \neg p\lor k_1\lor k_2\lor\dots \\ \hline & l_1\lor l_2\lor \dots k_1\lor k_2\lor\dots \end{array}$$ $$\begin{array}{ccc} p & & \neg p \\ \hline & \bot \end{array}$$

- Dropped universal quantifiers, renamed variables for uniqueness.
- Re-wrote to CNF
- Resolution rule with unification: $u\mapsto x$ and $v\mapsto y$.
FOL resolution
$l_{i},k_{j}$ literals:
$$\begin{array}{ccc} l_1\lor l_2\lor \dots\lor m & \neg n\lor k_1\lor k_2\lor\dots \\ \hline & (l_1\lor l_2\lor \dots \lor k_1\lor k_2\lor\dots)[m,\neg n]_U \end{array}$$
- Re-write conditionals: $A\to B\leadsto \neg A\lor B$
- De Morgan rules:
- $\neg\neg A\leadsto A$
- $\neg(A\land B)\leadsto \neg A\lor\neg B$
- $\neg(A\lor B)\leadsto \neg A\land\neg B$
- Quantifier dualities
- $\neg\forall xA\leadsto \exists x\neg A$
- $\neg\exists xA\leadsto \forall x\neg A$
- Re-name variables: $\forall xA\land \exists xB\leadsto \forall x_1A\land \forall x_2B$.
- Apply Skolemization: $$\forall x\exists y(P(x)\to R(x,y))\leadsto\forall x(P(x)\to R(x,f(x)))$$
- Drop all the remaining universal quantifiers
- Apply the distribution: $$A\lor (B\land C)\leadsto (A\lor B)\land (A\lor C)$$
The resulting formula is not necessarily equivalent:
$$\nu(\forall x\forall y(\mathsf{Parent}(x,y)\to \neg \forall z (\mathsf{Parent}(z,y)\to x=z)))$$ $$\neq\text{ for some }\mathcal{M}$$ $$\nu((\neg \mathsf{Parent}(x,y)\lor \mathsf{Parent}(f(x,y),y))\land (\neg \mathsf{Parent}(x,y)\lor x\neq f(x,y))))$$FOL CNF
It is equi-satisfiable:
$$\nu(\forall x\forall y(\mathsf{Parent}(x,y)\to \neg \forall z (\mathsf{Parent}(z,y)\to x=z)))=1$$ $$\text{ for some }\mathcal{M},\alpha$$ $$\Leftrightarrow$$ $$\nu((\neg \mathsf{Parent}(x,y)\lor \mathsf{Parent}(f(x,y),y))\land (\neg \mathsf{Parent}(x,y)\lor x\neq f(x,y))))=1$$ $$\text{ for some }\mathcal{M},\alpha$$Proof system
$$P_1,P_2,\dots\vDash C\Leftrightarrow Sat(P_1\land P_2\land \dots\land \neg C)$$
$CNF(P_1\land P_2\land \dots\land \neg C).$
$$P_1,P_2,\dots\vDash C$$
$$CNF(P_1\land P_2\land \dots\land \neg C)\vdash \bot$$
Proof system
- Efficient and effective
- Still undecidable 😦