Lecture 3. Formal languages
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Logical methods for AI
Lecture 3
Formal languages
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Formal languages
- Formal language = mathematical model of language
- Logic: model of logical form
- mathematical rigor
- AI (KR): talk to computer
- programming languages
- knowledge bases (KBs) and ontologies
- low level (code) vs high level (NLP)
Set theory
- Set = abstract collection of elements
- $x\in X$
- $x\notin X$
- $X=\Set{a_1,\dots,a_n}$
- $X=\Set{x:x\text{ is \dots}}$
- $\mathcal{L}$ is a set
- Members of $\mathcal{L}$ are strings of symbols
- Constructed from alphabet $\Sigma$
- $\Sigma=\Set{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}$
- Numerals: $0, \dots, 9,10, \dots, 19, 20, \dots$
- Strings are "meaningless"
- Propositional variables:
- Constants:
$a,b,c,\dots,Jim, Jane, \dots$
- Functions:
$f,g,h,\dots,FatherOf, \dots$
- Predicates:
$P,Q,R,\dots,BLUE, GREATER,\dots$
- Propositional connectives:
$\neg,\sim$ | not | |
$\land,\&$ | and | |
$\lor$ | or | |
$\to,\Rightarrow,\supset$ | if …, then … | |
$\leftrightarrow,\Leftrightarrow,\equiv$ | iff |
- More propositional connectives:
$\square,\lozenge$ | necessity, possibility | |
$K,B$ | knowledge, belief | |
$G,F,H,P$ | past, future | |
$P,O$ | permission, obligation | |
$!$ | announcements | |
$?$ | questions |
- Quantifiers:
$\forall$ | (for) all | |
$\exists$ | (for) some, there exists | |
$(\forall:P)$ | (for) all $P$'s | |
$\exists_3$ | there are 3 |
- Commas, parentheses, ...
- Propositional language: $$\Sigma=\Set{p_1,\dots,p_n,\neg,\land,\lor,\to,\leftrightarrow,(,)}$$
- Stepwise definition of $\mathcal{L}$-formulas
- $p_1,\dots,p_n\in \mathcal{L}$
- $A,B\in \mathcal{L}\Rightarrow \neg A,(A\land B),(A\lor B),(A\to B),(A\leftrightarrow B)\in \mathcal{L}$
- Nothing else is in $\mathcal{L}$
The letter isn’t in the left drawer $\leadsto$ $\neg p$
The letter is in the left and in the right drawer $\leadsto$ $(p\land q)$
The letter isn't in the left drawer, but also not in the right $\leadsto$ $(\neg p\land \neg q)$
The letter is in the left or in the right drawer $\leadsto$ $(p\lor q)$
The letter is neither in the left nor in the right drawer $\leadsto$ $(\neg p\land \neg q)$
If the letter is in the left drawer, it’s not in the right $\leadsto$ $(p\to \neg q)$
The letter is in the left drawer, if it’s not in the right one $\leadsto$ $(\neg q\to p)$
The letter's only in the left drawer, if it’s not in the right $\leadsto$ $(p\to \neg q)$
The letter is in the left drawer just in case it’s not in the right one $\leadsto$ $(p\leftrightarrow \neg q)$
$\langle const\rangle ::= a \mid b\mid \dots \qquad$ $\qquad\langle var\rangle ::= x \mid y\mid \dots $
$\langle unop\rangle ::= \neg\qquad $ $\qquad\langle binop\rangle ::= \land\mid\lor\mid\to\mid\leftrightarrow$
$$\langle quant\rangle ::= \forall\mid\exists$$ $$\langle term\rangle::= \langle const\rangle\mid\langle variable\rangle\mid f^n(\langle term\rangle_1,\dots,\langle term\rangle_n)$$ $$\langle pred\rangle ::= P \mid Q\mid \dots $$ $$\langle atom\rangle::= P^n(\langle term\rangle_1,\dots\langle term\rangle_n)$$ $$\langle fml\rangle::=\langle atom\rangle\mid\langle unop\rangle\langle fml\rangle\mid (\langle fml\rangle\langle binop\rangle \langle fml\rangle)\mid \langle quant\rangle \langle var\rangle\langle fml\rangle$$Examples
Not everybody handsome is smart $\leadsto$ $\neg\forall x(H(x)\to S(x))$
Everybody who’s smart is handsome $\leadsto$ $\forall x(S(x)\to H(x))$
A person who’s smart is handsome $\leadsto$ $\forall x(S(x)\to H(x))$
Someone who’s smart is handsome $\leadsto$ $\forall x(S(x)\to H(x))$
Everybody’s smart and handsome $\leadsto$ $\forall x(S(x)\land H(x))$
Somebody who’s smart exists $\leadsto$ $\exists x S(x)$
There’s somebody who’s not smart $\leadsto$ $\exists x\neg S(x)$
Somebody’s smart and somebody’s handsome $\leadsto$ $\exists xS(x)\land \exists xH(x)$
Somebody’s smart and handsome $\leadsto$ $\exists x(S(x)\land H(x))$
Nobody’s both smart and handsome $\leadsto$ $\neg\exists x(S(x)\land H(x))$
Somebody, who’s smart, is handsome $\leadsto$ $\exists x(S(x)\land H(x))$
He’s handsome $\leadsto$ $H(x)$
She’s handsome and smart $\leadsto$ $H(x)\land S(x)$
He’s handsome and he’s smart $\leadsto$ $H(x)\land S(y)$
He’s handsome and she’s smart $\leadsto$ $H(x)\land S(y)$
That’s a smart and handsome person $\leadsto$ $H(x)\land S(x)$
- Parsing = splitting formulas
- Basically: reading formulas
Parsing tree

Unique readability

- Natural language processing (NLP):
- Symbolic NLP
- Chinese room
- Knowledge representation (KR):
- Precision and reliability
- Restrictions of FOL