Lecture 10. Many-valued logics
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Logical methods for AI
Lecture 10
Many-valued logics
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Many-valued logics
- Classical assumption: bivalence with $0,1$
- Many AI applications conflict with that.
- We look at some many-valued logics.
$$\langle prop\rangle::= p_1\mid \dots\mid p_n$$ $$\langle fml\rangle::=\langle prop\rangle\mid\neg\langle fml\rangle\mid (\langle fml\rangle\land \langle fml\rangle)\mid (\langle fml\rangle\lor \langle fml\rangle)$$-
Kleene/Łukasiewicz logics
- What's the truth-value of: $$\mathsf{RAIN\_TOMORROW}?$$
- Proposal: indeterminate $i$.
- Open world assumption
- SQL null
3-valued valuations
$$\nu:\langle prop\rangle\to \Set{0,i,1}$$

Recursive truth
$$\nu(\neg A)=-\nu(A)$$ $$\nu(A\land B)=\nu(A)\times \nu(B)$$ $$\nu(A\lor B)=\nu(A)+\nu(B)$$Valid inference
$$[A]:=\Set{\nu:\nu(A)=1}$$ $$P_1,P_2,\dots\vDash C\Leftrightarrow [P_1]\cap [P_2]\cap \dots\subseteq [C]$$Changes?
- Complementation 1: $x\times -x=0$ $$i\times -i=i\times i=i$$
- Complementation 2: $x+ -x=1$ $$i+ -i=i+i=i$$
- No logical truths: $$\nvDash \mathsf{RAIN\_TOMORROW}\lor\neg\mathsf{RAIN\_TOMORROW}$$
- Open world assumption!
- No contradictions: $$x\times - x\neq 1$$ $$1\times - 1=1\times 0=0$$ $$i\times - i=i\times i=i$$ $$0\times - 0=0\times 1=0$$
- $\leadsto$ paraconsistent logics

- $A\to B$ "means" $\neg A\lor B$
- But: $$\nvDash \mathsf{RAIN\_TOMORROW}\to \mathsf{RAIN\_TOMORROW}$$
- Just set: $$\nu(\mathsf{RAIN\_TOMORROW})=i$$

Fuzzy logics
- What's the truth-value of $\mathsf{WARM}$?
- Fuzzy:
- At 30℃ close to 1
- At 15℃ close to 0.5
- At 0℃ close to 0
Fuzzy systems
- Rules like: $$\mathbf{IF}\ \mathsf{WARM}\lor\mathsf{HUMID}\ \mathbf{ THEN }\ \mathsf{POWER}$$
- Turn the power on to the extend that it's warm and humid
- Big in Japan!
- AC
- Autofocus
- Self-driving trains
Fuzzy valuations
$$\nu:\langle prop\rangle\to [0,1]$$Fuzzy truth-functions
$$f_\neg(x)=1-x$$ $$f_\land(x,y)=min(x,y)$$ $$f_\lor(x,y)=max(x,y)$$Recursive values
$$\nu(\neg A)=1-\nu(A)$$ $$\nu(A\land B)=min(\nu(A),\nu(B))$$ $$\nu(A\lor B)=max(\nu(A),\nu(B))$$Valid inference
Modelled after fuzzy rules:
$$P_1,P_2,\dots\vDash C$$ $$\Leftrightarrow$$ $$\text{for all }\nu, min(\nu(P_1),\dots,\nu(P_n))\leq \nu(C)$$Outlook
- Many many-valued logics:
- 3-valued Logic of Pardox
- 4-valued FDE
- 8-valued, 16-valued logics,...
- Fuzzy logic is a huge field (especially in Japan).