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Lecture 7. Logical proofs



Logical methods for AI

Lecture 7

Logical proofs

Logical proofs

Proof systems

Model of step-wise inference:

Ada is either in the study or on the Philosopher’s Walk, and if she’s on the Philosopher’s Walk, she’s thinking about mathematics. Ada is not in the study, so she must be thinking about mathematics.


  • Sequence of formulas, where each is either:
    1. assumption/axiom
    2. derived from earlier formulas via an inference rule
  • Final formula = conclusion.

Inference rule

$$\begin{array}{ccc} A_1 & \dots & A_n \\ \hline & C \end{array}$$

Proof systems

Hilbert systems

  • Axioms: Basic truths
  • Inference rules: as few as possible
  1. Axioms:
  2. $$ A\to ( B\to A)$$ $$( A\to ( B\to C))\to(( A\to B)\to ( A\to C))$$ $$(\neg A\to \neg B)\to ( B\to A)$$
  3. Inference rule: $$A,A\to B\vdash B$$
  1. $((\mathsf{RAIN} \to ((\mathsf{RAIN} \to \mathsf{RAIN}) \to \mathsf{RAIN})) \to ((\mathsf{RAIN} \to (\mathsf{RAIN} \to \mathsf{RAIN})) \to (\mathsf{RAIN} \to \mathsf{RAIN})))$

    Axiom 2. with $A=\mathsf{RAIN}, B=(\mathsf{RAIN}\to \mathsf{RAIN}),$ and $C=\mathsf{RAIN}$

  2. $(\mathsf{RAIN} \to ((\mathsf{RAIN} \to \mathsf{RAIN}) \to \mathsf{RAIN}))$

    Axiom 1. with $A=\mathsf{RAIN}$ and $B=(\mathsf{RAIN}\to \mathsf{RAIN})$)

  3. $((\mathsf{RAIN} \to (\mathsf{RAIN} \to \mathsf{RAIN})) \to (\mathsf{RAIN} \to \mathsf{RAIN}))$

    From 1. and 2. by MP.

  4. $(\mathsf{RAIN} \to (\mathsf{RAIN} \to \mathsf{RAIN}))$

    Axiom 1. with $A=\mathsf{RAIN}$ and $B=\mathsf{RAIN}$.

  5. $(\mathsf{RAIN} \to \mathsf{RAIN})$

    From 3. and 4. by MP.

$$( A\land B)\leadsto \neg( A\to\neg B)$$ $$( A\lor B)\leadsto(\neg A\to B)$$ $$( A\leftrightarrow B)\leadsto(( A\to B)\land( B\to A))$$
$$\mathsf{STUDY}\lor\mathsf{WALK},\mathsf{WALK}\to\mathsf{MATH},\neg\mathsf{STUDY}\vdash\mathsf{MATH}$$ $$\mathsf{STUDY}\lor\mathsf{WALK}\leadsto\neg\mathsf{STUDY}\lor\mathsf{WALK}$$ $$\leadsto\neg\mathsf{STUDY}\to\mathsf{WALK},\mathsf{WALK}\to\mathsf{MATH},\neg\mathsf{STUDY}\vdash\mathsf{MATH}$$
  1. $\neg \mathsf{STUDY}\to\mathsf{WALK}$ (Assumption)
  2. $\neg \mathsf{STUDY}$ (Assumption)
  3. $\mathsf{WALK}$ (1.,2. MP)
  4. $\mathsf{WALK}\to\mathsf{MATH}$ (Assumption)
  5. $\mathsf{MATH}$ (3.,4. MP)

Natural deduction

  • No axioms
  • Only inference rules
  • Try to model "natural" deduction

Discharging assumptions: $$\vdash \neg(\mathsf{RAIN}\land\neg\mathsf{RAIN})$$


Resolution-based systems

  • No axioms
  • One rule

Resolution rule

$l_{i},k_{j}$ literals:

$$\begin{array}{ccc} l_1\lor l_2\lor \dots\lor p & & \neg p\lor k_1\lor k_2\lor\dots \\ \hline & l_1\lor l_2\lor \dots k_1\lor k_2\lor\dots \end{array}$$ $$\begin{array}{ccc} p & & \neg p \\ \hline & \bot \end{array}$$
$$\mathsf{STUDY}\lor\mathsf{WALK},\mathsf{WALK}\to\mathsf{MATH},\neg\mathsf{STUDY}\vdash\mathsf{MATH}$$ $$\mathsf{WALK}\to\mathsf{MATH}\leadsto\neg\mathsf{WALK}\lor\mathsf{MATH}$$




$$A_1,A_2,\dots\vdash C\Leftrightarrow $$ $$CNF(A_1),CNF(A_2),\dots,CNF(\neg C)\vdash \bot$$
$$\mathsf{RAIN}\vdash \mathsf{RAIN}\lor\mathsf{SNOW}\leadsto$$ $$\mathsf{RAIN},\neg\mathsf{RAIN},\neg\mathsf{SNOW}\vdash\bot$$ $$\begin{array}{ccc} \mathsf{RAIN} & & \neg \mathsf{RAIN} \\ \hline & \bot \end{array}$$



  • Soundness: All derivable inferences are valid
  • Completeness: All valid inferences are derivable
  • Soundness and completeness: $$P_1,P_2,\dots\vDash C\ \Leftrightarrow \ P_1,P_2,\dots\vdash C$$
  • Computationally tractable model of valid inference

Proof verification

  • Interactive theorem prover (ITP): program that checks inferences in formal language
  • Distribution of epistemic burden.


      variable {p : Prop}
      variable {q : Prop}
      variable {r : Prop}
      open Classical
      theorem hilbert_1 : p → (q → p) := by
        intro h
        intro _
        exact h
      theorem hilbert_2: (p → (q → r))→ ((p → q) → (p → r)) := by
        intros h1 h2 hp
        apply h1 hp
        apply h2
      theorem hilbert_3 : (¬p → ¬q) → (q → p) := by
        intros h hq
        by_cases hp : p
        · -- Case when p is true
          exact hp
        · -- Case when p is false (¬p)
          have hnq := h hp
      #print hilbert_1
      #print hilbert_2
      #print hilbert_3
Lean 4 Life

Automated theorem proving

  • Automating mathematical reasoning.
  • Teach neural networks to use ITPs.
  • Very active area of research.


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