Lecture 5. Boolean satisfiability
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Logical methods for AI
Lecture 5
Boolean satisfiability
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Boolean satisfiability
- Problem: Find a valuation that makes a given (set of) formula(s) true.
- Satisfiability: $\Gamma$ is satisfiable $\Leftrightarrow$ there's a $\nu$ with $\nu(A)=1$ for all $A\in\Gamma$
Validity and SAT
$$P_1,P_2,\dots\vDash C\Leftrightarrow \Set{P_1,P_2,\dots, \neg C}\text{ is \emph{un}satisfiable}$$-
- Go through all valuations:
- $\nu_1(\mathsf{RAIN})=1$ and $\nu_1(\mathsf{BIKE})=1$
- $\nu_2(\mathsf{RAIN})=1$ and $\nu_2(\mathsf{BIKE})=0$
- $\nu_3(\mathsf{RAIN})=0$ and $\nu_3(\mathsf{BIKE})=1$
- $\nu_4(\mathsf{RAIN})=0$ and $\nu_4(\mathsf{BIKE})=0$

Combinatorial explosion
#variables | #rows |
1 | 2 |
2 | 4 |
3 | 8 |
4 | 16 |
5 | 32 |
6 | 64 |
Conjunctive Normal Form (CNF)
- Normal form: "canonical" way to write formula
- CNF: conjunction of disjunction of literals$\dagger$
- $\dagger$: $p,\neg p$
- $\mathsf{RAIN}$
- $\mathsf{RAIN}\land\neg\mathsf{BIKE}$
- $\mathsf{RAIN}\lor\neg\mathsf{BIKE}$
- $(\mathsf{RAIN}\lor\neg\mathsf{BIKE})\land (\mathsf{SUN}\lor\mathsf{BIKE})$
- $\neg\neg\mathsf{RAIN}$
- $\mathsf{RAIN}\lor \neg(\mathsf{SUN}\land \neg \mathsf{BIKE})$
- $\neg(\mathsf{RAIN}\land\neg\mathsf{BIKE})$
- $\neg(\mathsf{RAIN}\lor\neg\mathsf{BIKE})$
- $(\mathsf{RAIN}\land\neg\mathsf{BIKE})\lor\mathsf{SUN}$
- $\neg\neg A\leadsto A$
- $\neg (A\lor B)\leadsto \neg A\land \neg B$
- $\neg (A\land B)\leadsto \neg A\lor \neg B$
- $A\lor(B\land C)\leadsto (A\lor B)\land (A\lor C)$
- $(A\land B)\lor C\leadsto (A\lor C)\land (B\lor C)$
CNF Theorem
Theorem. For each formula $A$, there exists a formula $A_{CNF}$ in CNF, such that for all $\nu$, $$\nu(A)=\nu(A_{CNF})$$
Davis-Putnam-Logemann-Loveland algorithm
- "Smart" shortcuts
- CNF as a set $$(\mathsf{RAIN}\lor \neg\mathsf{SUN})\land (\mathsf{RAIN}\lor \mathsf{BIKE})$$ $$\leadsto$$ $$\Set{\Set{\mathsf{RAIN},\neg\mathsf{SUN}},\Set{\mathsf{RAIN},\mathsf{BIKE}}}$$
Pure literal elimination
$$\Set{\Set{\mathsf{RAIN},\neg\mathsf{SUN}},\Set{\mathsf{RAIN},\mathsf{BIKE}},\Set{\neg \mathsf{SUN},\mathsf{BIKE}},\Set{\neg\mathsf{SUN},\neg\mathsf{BIKE}}}$$ $$\leadsto$$ $$\Set{\Set{\neg \mathsf{SUN},\mathsf{BIKE}},\Set{\neg\mathsf{SUN},\neg\mathsf{BIKE}}}$$ $$\leadsto$$ $$\Set{\Set{}}$$Pure literal elimination
Whenever a literal occurs only positively/negatively, set its truth-value accordingly & eliminate every clause containing the literal.
Unit propagation
$$\Set{\Set{\mathsf{RAIN},\neg\mathsf{SUN}},\Set{\mathsf{RAIN},\neg\mathsf{BIKE}}, \Set{\neg \mathsf{SUN}},\Set{\mathsf{BIKE}}}$$ $$\leadsto$$ $$\Set{\Set{\mathsf{RAIN},\neg\mathsf{SUN}},\Set{\mathsf{RAIN}}, \Set{\neg \mathsf{SUN}}}$$ $$\leadsto$$ $$\Set{\Set{\neg \mathsf{SUN}}}$$ $$\leadsto$$ $$\Set{}$$Unit propagation
When there's a unit clause, set the truth-value accordingly, eliminate the clause, & eliminate the "complement" from every clause.
$$\Set{\Set{\mathsf{RAIN}},\Set{\neg\mathsf{RAIN}}}$$ $$\leadsto$$ $$\Set{\Set{}}$$The set is unsatisfiable
$$\Set{\Set{\mathsf{RAIN},\neg\mathsf{BIKE}},\Set{\neg\mathsf{RAIN},\neg\mathsf{BIKE}},\Set{\neg\mathsf{RAIN},\mathsf{BIKE}}}$$ $$\leadsto$$ $$a.) \Set{\Set{\neg\mathsf{BIKE}},\Set{\mathsf{BIKE}}}$$ $$\leadsto$$ $$\Set{\Set{}}$$ $$b.) \Set{\Set{\neg\mathsf{BIKE}}}$$ $$\leadsto$$ $$\Set{}$$Splitting
Pick the first literal, generate two CNFs using unit propagation for the literal and its complement. Recursively apply DPLL to both results.
- Input: CNF
- Apply Unit propagation and pure literal elimination
- Termination conditions:
- empty CNF $\Set{}$ = satisfiable
- empty clause $\Set{\dots,\Set{},\dots}$ = unsatisfiable
- Recursively apply DPLL via splitting.