Lecture 2. Valid inference
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Logical methods for AI
Lecture 2
Valid inference
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Valid inference
- Valid inference = "good" inference
- Not: simple, clear, precise, ... $\Rightarrow$ rhetoric
- Validity vs fallacies:
- If it is sunny, Jan is cycling. Jan is cycling. Therefore, it is sunny.
- If it is sunny, Jan is cycling. It is sunny. Therefore, Jan is cycling.
- What's the difference?
- All pigs fly. Maddy is a pig. So, Maddy flies.
- If the premises are true, then the conclusion is true.
- Possibility: Premises are false!
- Definition:
- An inference is valid iff the conclusion is true if (hypothetically) the premises are true
- Deduction = premises guarantee conclusion
- $P_1, P_2, \dots\vDash C$
- Either it rained last night or the car is dry, the car is not dry $\vDash$ It rained last night
- Induction = premises make likely conclusion
- $P_1, P_2, P_1, P_2, \dots\stackrel{!}{\mid\approx} C$
- 80% of 20k voters support strict laws $\stackrel{!}{\mid\approx}$ 80% of all support strict laws
Logical form
- If it rains, the street is wet, it rains $\vDash$ The street is wet
- If it's sunny, the street is wet, it's sunny $\vDash$ The street is wet
- If pigs fly, Santa brings presents, pigs fly $\vDash$ Santa brings presents
(MP) If $A$, then $B$; $A$ $\vDash$ $B$
- Sentences $\leadsto A, B, C, \dots$
- Not $\leadsto \neg$
- And $\leadsto \land$
- Or $\leadsto \lor$
- If ..., then ... $\leadsto~\to$
(MP) $A\to B, A\vDash B$
- Predicates $\leadsto P(x), Q(x), R(x,y), \dots$
- Names $\leadsto a,b,c, \dots$
- All $\leadsto \forall$
- Some $\leadsto \exists$
(UI) $\forall xP(x)\vDash P(a)$
(EG) $R(a,b)\vDash \exists xR(a,x)$
Deductive logic
- indefeasible
- general
- certain
- Model = possible reasoning scenario
- $A$ is true in a model
- $[A]$ set(!) of all models
- $[A]\cap [B]$ = interesection
- $[A]\subseteq [B]$ = subset
- Definition:
- $P_1,P_2,\dots\vDash C$ iff $[P_1]\cap [P_2]\cap\dots\subseteq [C]$

- Definition:
- $P_1,P_2,\dots\vDash C$ iff $[P_1]\cap [P_2]\cap\dots\subseteq [C]$
- $A\land B\vDash A$
- $[A\land B]=[A]\cap [B]$
- $[A\land B]\subseteq [A]$
- Definition:
- $P_1,P_2,\dots\vDash C$ iff $[P_1]\cap [P_2]\cap\dots\subseteq [C]$
- $A\lor B,A\nvDash \neg B$
- $A$ true, $B$ true
- countermodel
Inductive logic
- defeasible
- particular
- likely
- Probability = likelihood of truth $(0,\dots,1)$
- $Pr(A)\approx$ in how many situations is $A$ true
- $Pr(A|B)\approx$ in how many situations where $B$ is true is $A$ true
- $Pr(A|B)=\frac{Pr(A\land B)}{Pr(B)}$
- Definition:
- $P_1,P_2,\dots\mid\approx C$ iff $Pr(C|P_1\land P_2\land \dots)>Pr(C)$

- Definition:
- $P_1,P_2,\dots\mid\approx C$ iff $Pr(C|P_1\land P_2\land \dots)>Pr(C)$
- $A\land B\mid\approx A$
- $Pr(A|A\land B)=1$
- $Pr(A|A\land B)\geq Pr(A)$
- $P_1,P_2,\dots\vDash C\Rightarrow Q,P_1,P_2,\dots\vDash C$
- $P_1,P_2,\dots\mid\approx C\nRightarrow Q,P_1,P_2,\dots\mid\approx C$
- defeasible vs indefeasible