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Logical methods for AI

Logic textbook for AI undergrads



Dear reader,

Welcome to Logical methods for AI, a new kind of logic textbook, specifically geared at AI undergrads.

This is not your standard logic textbook for AI, which covers the mathematics of syntax, semantics, and proof theory, perhaps with an eye towards applying them in AI.

It is also not a general introduction to AI, not even an introduction to logic-based AI. While we often discuss ideas and topics from AI research and development, we don’t provide an extensive, textbook level discussion of them.

What this book is is a first introduction to logical concepts, methods, and results that teaches logic via AI applications. That is, we introduce the ideas of syntax, semantics, and proof theory by looking at how they are used in AI research and development.

The course is intended to be taught as a first-year course of an undergrad AI program.

While the book is self-contained, it is meant to be used by autonomous individuals:

  • If you don’t know something, look it up!
  • If you don’t understand something, ask!

Your education is in your own hands! Your teachers are here to help!

This is a university level course, which assumes that you’re here on your own volition, and that you’re able and motivated to study. There’s no one-size-fits-all formula for how to learn, do it your own way! If you need help, just ask.

This being a university level course also means that we often cover research level topics. Even though this is a first-year course, at Uni, we’re beyond rehearsing established knowledge—you know how to do that now. The aim is to push the boundaries of what’s known, to form new thoughts and ideas, to change the world.

And remember: “[At university], the teacher does not exist for the sake of the student; both teacher and student have their justification in the common pursuit of knowledge.” -Wilhem von Humboldt

That said, I hope you enjoy this course!

Table of contents